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Repentance Article

Dated: Wednesday, May 22, 2013

by Ms. Seema Naz


The guilt of committing a sin, then asking for forgiveness and finally, the sincere intention of not repeating it is the name of “Repentance”.

The realization of the sin is the beginning of repentance. In fact, the thought of asking for forgiveness is a symbol of “Good Fortune” and the one, who doesn’t feel his sin as a sin, is “Unfortunate”.

The realization of a sin gradually creates the hatred and ultimately the undertaking of not repeating it again.

Allah (S.W.T) likes and appreciates the repentant. Hadhrat Adam A.S cried in front of Allah (S.W.T) with all his heart, Allah (S.W.T) forgave him and blessed him to rule on the earth as a vice of Him; whereas Iblees, was cursed, because he did not ask for forgiveness. He was deprived from the blessings forever. Therefore, the repentance on the sins and thankfulness on virtues is the source of Raza-e-Ilahi.

What is the right time for Repentance?

If the notion of future is worrisome due to the thoughts of the “past”, that is the right and proper time for ‘Repentance’.


The more you are popular among the people, the more your sins will influence others. As soon as the realization reaches you, it is best to repent in front of Allah (S.W.T) and vow to turn over a new leaf and set an example for others to follow. One should make every effort to avoid sins and aim at not repeating those again.

May Allah (S.W.T) forgive all our sins and be pleased with us. Aameen.

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