by Mahnoor Aqeel Grade 9

Thousands laid down their lives so that our country could see this day. Never forget their sacrifice ? For me Pakistan is Jinnah’s determination, Liaquat Ali’s fist, Iqbal’s poetry , Edhi’s selfless service, Arfa’s intelligence, k2’s peak, Quetta’s fruits, Afridi and Miandad’s sixes and much more.

Every green thing means Pakistan to me, every verse of the national anthem symbolises Pakistan!

Walking or driving around the streets of my country, I cannot express in words the mixed feelings and emotions that I experience. Is it sense of belonging which I never feel anywhere else in the world? Is it patriotism which makes me numb or when I see little children carrying large Pakistan flags roaming around the streets on Independence Day?

I was taken aback, looking dumbly at the person who asked me the question what does Pakistan mean to me but as days passed, I kept asking myself the same poignant question. So what is Pakistan to me?

Pakistan is that precious dua (prayer) bestowed upon me by the needy old woman at the traffic signal.

Pakistan is sitting on a *charpae in the middle of nowhere and having *halwa puri for breakfast.

Pakistan is the fresh * ganna ka ras from street vendors. Pakistan is the joy brought by the first monsoon rain to the youngest and the oldest.

Pakistan is trying to eat the *spiciest gol gappay . Pakistan is the pride of being the wifeof a martyred soldier.

Pakistan is the smile on an old mother’s wrinkled face when her son returns from the border.

This nation will remain the land of the free as long as it is the home of the brave.

People would like to see flaws in my country . Yes, I agree we have drawbacks but these are because of people not the piece of land upon which we dwell.

I have not a pinch of doubt in proclaiming that I am a proud Pakistani who see’s her country with a mother’s eye with no flaw in her child.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that a great nation is not born but made and they are built on the strength of their people.

The question is whether we within this country can truly be who we were meant to be – a diverse group of people working for the prosperity rather than fighting with each other on petty issues. The only way to achieve this is not to wait for a second Muhammad Ali Jinnah or Iqbal but to become the agents of change.

As Mr Kennedy stated,
“Ask not what your country gave you. Ask what you gave to your

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