Science Activity
Senior Section/ Class VI A and B

Topic: Formation of Rainbow

What did students do and learn?

There were two sessions of activity, one for VI A and second for VI B. It was conducted in the ground as sunlight was needed. Each student participated as they brought mirror and glass.They were even provided beakers from the lab and A4 white sheets to locate their rainbow.

They learned that white light appears white but actually it is the combination of seven colours which can be seen on the sky after rainfall in the form of rainbow.

They learned that white light separates into seven colours and after reflection from the mirror it passes through water, by refraction. It separates because each colour bends or refracts by a different angle having a different wavelength.

The order of colours is always the same red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

The students curiosity was certainly aroused and they were awestruck by Allah SWT’s magnificently coloured 🌈 rainbow!

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