25th Zil Qaadah 1433 (13th October 2012)

Mohammed Bin Iqbal s/o Mohammed Iqbal was admitted in class 3 (Hifz) and in the first year he completed 15 chapters of the Holy Quran, at the same time studying the regular course at school. He memorized 15 more chapters of the Quran in class 4 hifz under the supervision of Maualima Fatima Salah, Nargis Zaman and Umme-habiba.

On Tuesday, 16th Shawwal 1433 (4th September 2012), he recited his final lesson in the presence of his mother and school staff during the assembly time.

This was followed by a lecture by the principal on Huffaz-e-Quran and the reward of Allah (S.W.T) for those who learn the Quran.

May Allah send down His Blessings on this young Hafiz-e-Quran and accept his hard work and his parents in this great achievement. Ameen.

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