Date: September 18, 2017
Dear Parents,
As-Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
This is to notify you that Hfs has registered in IKLC – International Kangaroo Linguistic Competition.
The contest is open for grades 1 till X11. The contest details and preparation details can be viewed on
the link:
The foremost aim of this academically challenging contest is to develop and enhance the students'
linguistic skills. The students should be encouraged to compete on such platforms to build their
capability and confidence.
Hfs always strives to provide opportunities to eligible students to participate and prove themselves
Kindly find below the permission slip. Fill and return this with the registration fee to the class teacher
latest by………………..
I,…………………………….., permit my child,………………………of grade…………………… participate in IKLC,
Registration Fee : Rs 700
Contest Date: 16 November, 2017
Venue: On Campus
HFS Management