Girls Campus  CR# 30

Dear Parents,                   

Date: October 08, 2019

This is to inform that parent/guardian ID cards are being issued to be kept in their custody. These need to be produced at departure time for the collection of the child.

Parents need to hand over the ID cards to the van drivers as these need to be shown at the gate for both private and school transport. The child will ONLY be handed over at the show of the ID card. Incase the ID card is lost or misplaced; Rs 150 needs to be paid for the cost of the new one.

Prompt Pick up:

Private students need to be collected at 1:00 pm (Pre school) and 2:00pm sharp Grade 1 –O-lll). The school authorities will not be responsible for any issue incase of delay in pick up.

Early Departure:

Parents need to submit the application with a CNIC photocopy for the early departure or emergency.

HFS Management

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