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Dated: Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Learning shapes is an important precursor skill for both math and literacy, and it is best done through play and everyday life experience. It is quite rewarding for children because their world is full of shapes. Getting them involved in activities is our main goal which boosts their confidence as well as verbal communication.

To inculcate the recognition and reinforcement of shapes the Junior Montessori had Fun with Shapes (Sandwich making activity) on Saturday 18th of November 2017.

Children were asked to bring cheese slices and different spreads for the activity. The teachers showed them that the shape of a bread slice is like a square and the shape of a cheese slice is also square, in the same way children cut the square bread slice diagonally with a plastic knife, they saw two triangles. Children spread the jam, chicken spread and chocolate spread on the bread slices, they used different cookie cutter to cut the sandwiches into various shapes.

Children were immensely involved in the spreading and cutting the sandwiches and were happy to see various shapes. Teachers also talked about the different textures and tastes of the ingredients used in the spreads.

The purpose of this whole activity was to give lots of practice of shapes to solidify their understanding of the two dimensional structure. The knowledge of the shapes gives the young children an advantage in many areas of learning. Alhamdulillah, children had a great time and enjoyed the yummy sandwich treats with their classmates.