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Dated: Wednesday, November 12, 2014

[headline] Quick Peep into Muharram ul Haram [/headline]

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First month of the Islamic year; the Hijri calendar.

  • One of the four sacred months of Islamic year ( Muharram ul Haram,Rajab ul Murjub, Zulqadah & Zilhajjah)
  • A very blessed month, in which one should perform more good deeds.
  • Remembering and using the Islamic dates is farz –e- Kifaya.
  • Considering Muharram as an unlucky month is a misconception.
  • Providing a generous meal for one’s family on the day of Ashura warrants abundance and prosperity the year round..However such provision is neither farz nor wajib.
  • Observing fast on the day of Ashura is sunnah and Mustahab.Tiding of previous year sins being wiped off is its reward.
  • As Jews also fasted on the day of Ashura , So our beloved Prophet (sallal laho alaihe wassalam) advised   that Muslims should add one more fast to the 10th Muharram’s fast.

Excerpt from the Bayan of Hazrat  Maulana Mufti Abdul Rauf Sakhurvi Sb on 28th October 2014 at Darul Uloom Karachi.[/notice]

“ The point to ponder here is that ,Am I being careful to avoid resemblance to non- believers in my dressing , my culture or  my life in general??”

By : Ms Iffat Faruqui.

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