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Dated: Wednesday, March 16, 2016

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26 Feb 2016 marked the Annual Sports Day of Hira Foundation School, held at the premises of Hira Foundation Boys Campus. The fun-filled event commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a Hamd, Naat, National Anthem and an adorable P.T Display prepared by the Pre-Primary section.

Then began the battle of the houses – Red, Yellow, Green and Blue. Starting with flat race and a variety of competitions between the students of the primary section, the entire sports ground roared with cheers and slogans from the audience in support of their respective houses. Exciting races also included lemon spoon, relay, hurdle, sack, ready for school and three – legged race; while, competitions such as book balance, skipping, balloon blowing and tug of war stirred up a lot of excitement. Another competition which added more charm to the Sports Day was the inclusion of the Home- economics activity in which our talented senior girls were given the task to prepare Rainbow Sandwiches, Fruit Trifle and a drink. Our esteemed judges for the event were Ms.Tasneem Imtiaz, Ms. Samina Fazal and Ms. Sobia Zubair.

As the program advanced, excitement of the supporters of each house grew with every passing second. There was a colourful and well-coordinated drill display prepared by the Primary and Hifz Section led by Ms. Habiba. Then it was time for the senior girls section to compete for the trophy. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed all the races especially the tug of war. At the end of the event our exuberant students awaited the results impatiently when it was finally announced that Yellow House was the winner. Roars of cheers and applauses from yellow house supporters filled the sports ground, and over-whelmed students and proud teachers could be seen here and there.

Our honorable Chief Guests for the event, Mrs. Imran Usmani and Mrs. Anwar, gave away the medals to all the winners and position holders and last but not the least, the trophy for the Annual Sports Day 2016 was handed over to the winning Yellow House.

Alhumdulillah, the event ended successfully. The hard work and determination of all our teachers, sports teacher, Campus Incharge, coordinators and house in charges is worth mentioning here who made this event possible.

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