Dear Parents,

Date: November 16, 2017

As-Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Dear Parents,

HFS Preschool has scheduled a field trip to Sinbad for students of grades SL 1 & SL 2 on Saturday, 25th November during regular school hours.

Students are supposed to bring Rs 350 only. Lunch and rides will be included in that amount. School transport will be used.

Students should come in complete school uniform and carry water bottles from home. They must arrive to school by 8:50am. School buses will leave at 9:00am sharp.

Kindly fill the consent slip and return it to the respective teacher with the amount (Rs 350) enclosed in an envelope with student name on it.

I ……………………………… hereby give permission to send my child………………………………… on the school field trip on the given date and time.

Date: ……………

Parent Signature: ………………

HFS Management

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