INFO@HIRAFOUNDATION.COM +92 21-35040933 / 35123221 / 35123007

Dated: Thursday, August 30, 2018


HFS Gives Back to the Community

HFS has taken yet another progressive step to contribute to the society with its COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM initiative. It truly believes in the revival of Islamic values by helping humanity in everyway possible.

HFS vision and mission reiterate the very statement of transforming students into practising Muslims. A holistic and pragmatic approach to education where they are provided learning vistas in the communities around them. To value and visualize the well balanced life goals where benefitting their fellow beings is part of the priorities too. The journey from self to selflessness needs to be travelled and instilled in these formative years. Surely, this journey will be an enriching learning experience which will lead to their overall personality development.

HFS has strove to produce a well-rounded approach to learning with its educational excursions, sports activities, plantation drive, fund raising, charitable works etc. It has joined hands in just and noble causes whenever/wherever needed.

HFS Community Service Program:
HFS has launched the Community Service Program which will be part of the co curricular domain of the seniormost grade levels OI, OII & OIII. An 8 hour community service program has been developed which needs to be completed during one academic year. These hours will be recorded in their final school result and students will be awarded certificates upon successful completion. This will add value to their extra curricular achievement in’sha’Allah.

In this program, students will visit NGOs, hospitals, orphanages and underprivileged schools under the strict supervision of vigilant staff members. Separate visits will be scheduled for Boys and Girls Campus. Special arrangement for girls to visit female exclusive skill centers, orphanages and underprivileged schools will be made.

Four scheduled visits of two hour each will be completed in one academic year. It is mandatory to complete the allotted social service hours.

Looking forward to your continuous support in upbringing morally strong community contributors!

“Be good to orphans and the needy, speak nicely to people and help the poor.” Holy Quran 2:83