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Dated: Tuesday, December 9, 2014

[headline]Dear Parents,[/headline]

As-Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


[download label=”اردو Version”]نکات.pdf [/download]


The significance of the Arabic Language is evident, as Allah, Himself selected Arabic Language as a medium of expression for his last Holy Book and delivered it to populace of the world. In addition to this Our Prophet Mohammad PBUH was bestowed with this great language. Therefore, services rendered for the advancement of this magnanimous language are without doubt unmatchable to any other language of the world.

But, every era and the people born in that era had and have different demands of learning. Hence, a course book is designed to cater to the students, keeping their abilities and capabilities in mind. Particularly while learning a language the rules of the languages, their application and exercises, without any question play an undeniable role.

Furthermore, Arabic is the greatest of all the language so it is essential that a learner must utilize his abilities and capabilities to his utmost which will result in reward, both in the world and hereafter.

In the light of the above information Hira Foundations’ (Department of Darul-Uloom) contribution for enhancement of the Arabic language in its acquisition, explanation, information and publication is a tiny drop in the ocean. We pray Allah accepts our struggle and effort and help us achieve our goals and bless us. Ameen.

Keeping our aims in mind and making Arabic learning a good experience, Hira Foundation has decided to follow certain rules for the betterment of its students and Arabic Language.

  1. Arabic Language should be given special attention during the course of studies.
  2. Studying, writing and completing the homework should be given special attention.
  3. In case the child gets absent from the class, the parents should take the responsibility of completing the work missed at school.
  4. If a parent faces any problem regarding his child’s study he can contact the concern persons.
  5.  Lack of interest in the subject may lead to failure in the subject which may result in detention in the same class.


HFS – Arabic Department

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