Write Up – Senior

Negligence By: UMAMAH AFTAB It was a really hot day.The sun was scorching and burning the skin. I could feel the rising temperatures.It was so agitating.My family and I were going on our summervacations trip the next day.Everyone was busy in packing the luggage like ants stacking their food for the winter.But, I was lying…


BY: GRADE 8 A faraway land was surrounded by hills and pleasant meadows covered with flowers. Their fragrance was sweeter than honey and their delicate petals weighed lighter than feathers, softer than cotton which added color to the picture. The blowing winds and cold breezes maintained the environment in such a manner that a person…

Cultural Day – Primary

Hfs Primary celebrated a Cultural Day to honour the country on 23rd March ‘Pakistan Day’, refresh the memories of the great leaders and to showcase the beauty of the magnificent Pakistani civilization. Pakistani culture originates from an Islamic way of life. It is one of the richest and vibrant cultures in the world. The diversity…


By: Ms.Salma Tabassum Aim:  To make students learn about specific professions. To make students appreciate the people in their lives that work to help them grow and learn. To make students learn some professions name with spellings. Procedure: Knowledge about community helpers plays a vital role in a child’s life, that’s why a special morning…

زیارة مدرسة حکومیة

لا أعرف من أین سأبدأ و إلی أین سأنتهي، فإن قلمي متجمد بین أصابعي و ها أنا ذا أکتب بید مرتعشة و قلم کسیر و لسان عاجز عن التعبیر حول زیارتنا إلیٰ إحدٰی المدارس الحکومیة التي تقع قریبة من مدرستنا….حراء فاؤندیشن. و حقیقة الأمر أن مدیرتنا قد قررت هذا العام أن جمیع الطالبات من الصفوف…

Hfs Digital Marketing Course

By: Mahnoor Ilyas – Grade 8 On Tuesday, 26th February an Introduction to Digital Marketing course was held at 11am and was continued till 12:40pm in the Hira Foundation School (Boys Campus) Computer Lab. It was conducted by Sir Adnan Usmani and Sir Nasir. Basically, Digital Marketing is the marketing of products or services using…


By: Tahira Tareef It will be 2024 from now, five years later. I will be in university. In addition to my regular studies, my plans are to complete some certifications which are to learn Chinese and German language, MSOffice Professional, Networking and Hardware, Fehm-e-Deen. I will be in the Bachelor of Computer Science. I like…

Sports Day of Preschool JM,SLI and SLII

Sports are a crucial part of students’ growth and development. It helps in the development of mental health and physical fitness. Through participation in sports and games, children learn and develop various skills, experience and confidence. HFS Preschool organized a sports day on 21st Feb 2019.Children were excited to participate in the sports enthusiastically. The…

Report on National Model OIC Pakistan 2018

Written by: Hadiya JavedGrade: O-IIIDate: 30th January 2019 The first national model organization of Islamic cooperation (NMOIC) was hosted at Beach Luxury Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan on 21st -23rd December 2018 with the participation of around 300 delegates from local schools,colleges and universities from different educational backgrounds, along with guests and an honorary delegation of 9…