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My Favorite Animal (Article)

Dated: Monday, February 2, 2015

[headline]My favorite animal[/headline] My favourite animal is the rabbit, it is white in colour and has red eyes and big ears. Mostly people keep it as a pet. I really love it because it is very cute. But I don’t know why some people are so scared of it, like my sister. She is so […]

Allah Made Them All Exhibition

Dated: Monday, January 26, 2015

HFS Pre School Educators always believe in Experiential Learning in this connection “ ALLAH MADE THEM ALL EXHIBITION” activity was arranged last week (22nd October ) All HFS pre School Educator worked very hard to make this activity successful. We are very thankful to the Parents who participated actively and facilitated the school staff by […]

مقالہ من جمیل الرحمٰن سیف۔

Dated: Monday, January 12, 2015

                                                                                                              إعداد:جمیل الرحمٰن سیف سلام علی من قام بصالح الدعوات وإن أصابہ الشتمات           فی عصرنا الحدیث قد ثارت وظلّت سحاب الضلالۃ شرقاًوغرباً،یُری أنہ صدق ما قال محمدالعربی-صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم-“لا یبقی من الإسلام إلا اسمہ”۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ (الحدیث مشکوٰۃ المصابیح) ولکن رغم ھٰذا إذا بدلتَ وجھۃ النظر وألقیتَ أبصارالرغبۃ وأنظارالشوق علی سبیل إیجابی بقطع […]


Dated: Tuesday, December 9, 2014

[headline]Dear Parents,[/headline] As-Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu   [download label=”اردو Version”]نکات.pdf [/download]   The significance of the Arabic Language is evident, as Allah, Himself selected Arabic Language as a medium of expression for his last Holy Book and delivered it to populace of the world. In addition to this Our Prophet Mohammad PBUH was […]

Muallim and Mutallim

[download label=”Download Full Article”][/download]

Excursion Trip, Senior Section Girls to Arena Thursday, 26th October 2014

Dated: Saturday, November 29, 2014

The hall resonated with the loud rolling of the bowling balls on the slick wooden track —mixed with the joyous laughter of the HFS students.The Ohhhhs when a player bowled a strike and the Ahhhhs when another one threw the ball in the channel….Yes, this was the bowling alley. The scene was no different at […]

یومِ اقبال

حرا  فاؤنڈیشن  اسکول اردو  اسکول اور تدریس لازم  و  ملزوم ہیں مگر اسکا مطلب ہرگز یہ نہیں کہ اسکول میں بچہ آیا ، درسی   کتاب کھولی ، سبق پڑھا ، کتاب بند کی اور گھر گیا مگر زود اثر تعلیم وہی ہے جو زندگی کے ہر پہلو پر اور شخصیت میں نمایاں اثر اندازہو۔لہٰذا  اچھی […]

ماہ ِمحرم

Dated: Wednesday, November 12, 2014

[download label=”Download PDF file”]ماہ-ِمحرم.pdf [/download] [headline]Written by: Sajjad Ahmed [/headline] محرم ا لحرام اسلامی تقویم کا پہلا مہینہ ہے۔محرم کا لفظ حرمت سے نکلاہے۔حرمت کالفظی معنی عظمت اوراحترام وغیرہ ہے ، اس بناپر محرم کا مطلب احترام اورعظمت والاہے۔ محرم الحرام کا سارامہینہ ہی عزت وتکریم والا مہینہ ہے جس میں بے شمار اہم تاریخی واقعات […]

Article: Quick Peep into محرم الحرام

[headline] Quick Peep into Muharram ul Haram [/headline] [download label=”Download”][/download] First month of the Islamic year; the Hijri calendar. One of the four sacred months of Islamic year ( Muharram ul Haram,Rajab ul Murjub, Zulqadah & Zilhajjah) A very blessed month, in which one should perform more good deeds. Remembering and using the Islamic dates […]